Diversity & Inclusion is at the heart of CRIF mission
The values of diversity and inclusion are deeply rooted in our corporate culture, through practical actions that shape the way we work and drive results. CRIF is committed to creating an environment in which everyone feels valued and respected, knowing that this approach will improve the well-being of all our staff and encourage new ideas.
The daily commitment to ensuring diversity in terms of gender, age, culture, skills and experience is crucial to creating a dynamic, inclusive, and unique work environment that thrives on the coexistence of different perspectives.
For CRIF, embracing diversity means valuing the contribution that each person makes to the community and recognizing this as one of the main drivers for collective growth and progress. The values and principles of integrity, honesty, fairness, and compliance with applicable laws underpin CRIF Group’s Governance System. These are referred to and defined in both the Group’s Code of Conduct and its Diversity & Inclusion Policy. The latter, introduced across CRIF Group in 2023, formalizes the company’s commitment to promoting equal opportunities and developing an environment that supports people in realizing their potential, each according to their own characteristics, life experiences, knowledge, and personal abilities.
CRIF has strengthened its commitment to Diversity & Inclusion through the integration of the “Demonstrate Tactfulness” factor into its Leadership Model. This factor is a structured set of principles, values, behaviors, and skills that provide guidance to an organization’s leaders on how to inspire, motivate, and lead their teams.This model influences and inspires the company culture, work environment, and overall performance. “Demonstrate Tactfulness” means engaging with people in a positive way, demonstrating acceptance and inclusion toward others.
What’s more, application of the Leadership Model is backed by a feedback system that allows team members to assess annually how well their managers’ behaviors are aligned with the principles of the model.