Credit Rating Agency Services & Credit Worthiness Reporting

CRIF operates under the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) to provide independent and reliable credit ratings and assessments.

CRIF Ratings, the CRIF Group rating agency, is recognized as an External Credit Assessment Institution (ECAI). This recognition was given to the credit rating agency in line with the provisions of European Regulation 575/2013 (Capital Requirements Regulation) and the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council 2013/36/EU.

CRIF Ratings is a European rating agency serving financial institutions and businesses with a wide range of services, offering innovative digital solutions resulting from the digitalization of financial systems.  

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Key benefits

  • Independent risk view

    Skilled analysts create credit assessments according to strict methodologies to provide maximum transparency.
  • Forward-looking approach

    Incorporation of a forward-looking view built on proprietary data to provide up-to-date scenarios.
  • Detailed output

    Creation of comprehensive reports of all the drivers behind the assessments provided.
  • Continuous monitoring

    CRIF ratings are always and continuously monitored and promptly updated.

Solution details

Business People 21 400

Credit Rating Services

Ratings issued by CRIF represent an opinion provided by a reliable, independent third party on a company's probability of meeting its financial obligations in full and on time and are issued according to certified methodologies subject to ESMA supervision.
For corporations, ratings can contribute to maintaining financial discipline and access to capital markets, whilst for financial institutions they can be used to determine the capital requirements under European Regulation 575/2013 (Capital Requirements Regulation), since CRIF Ratings has been recognized as an External Credit Assessment Institution (ECAI).

ESG Ratings

Besides evaluating credit risk, CRIF has been providing assessments of the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) profile of non-financial corporations since 2019. ESG ratings can speed up the journey toward a more sustainable business and financial approach for corporations, also highlighting the key elements to be addressed to boost the ESG profile of a company.
Moreover, ESG ratings allow banks and investors to consider the ESG profile of counterparties when taking lending or investment decisions, gaining a more comprehensive view of risk/return/ESG impact aspects.

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ECAI Ratings

CRIF Ratings, qualified as an External Credit Assessment Institution (ECAI), issues ratings based on rigorous and independent methodologies recognized by European authorities for the calculation of prudential capital and solvency requirements.

Portfolio benchmarking

The CRIF rating agency helps financial institutions assess the risk of their credit exposures. The Benchmarking service comprises a risk analysis of companies in the portfolios of financial institutions through the CRIF Ratings scoring model and forward-looking KPIs.

The score allows benchmarking with the institution’s internal assessments or to have a third-party assessment for regulatory requirements. 

Business People 5 320

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