Real Estate Energy & Sustainability Services

Explore CRIF solutions that contribute to achieving sustainable development goals in the real estate sector.

Real estate properties are responsible for 40% of energy consumption and 36% of CO2 emissions. The significance of the property sector is fundamental to achieving EU targets in terms of sustainability and economic transition.

Real estate properties account for 40% of energy consumption and 36% of CO2 emissions. The real estate sector plays a crucial role in the EU's sustainability and economic transition goals. CRIF has gained extensive experience by actively participating in EU Commission projects, such as the Energy Efficient Mortgage Initiative, and being a member of the Green Building Council. CRIF has developed a wide range of solutions and consulting services for financial institutions, businesses, and individuals, connecting specific property features with Sustainable Development Goals and ESG factors.


Covered industries

Icon BankingBanking Icon InsuranceInsurance Icon Telco BlueTelco & Media Bolt Light BlueEnergy & Utilities Icon Manufacturing BlueManufacturing Icon Services BlueServices

Key benefits

  • Risk management

    Through information on energy performance and physical risks, lenders have a comprehensive outlook of the collateral risk profile.
  • End-to-end service

    Our one-stop-shop service fully covers property incentives, tax credit acquisitions, and green-covered bond issuance activities.
  • Trustability

    We conduct an independent verification process to confirm the credit's validity.
  • Customer care

    We have the highest quality standards to enhance the end-user experience and uphold the bank's good reputation.

Solution details

Business People 27 400 (1)

Technical support for tax credit accrual and sale

CRIF provides technical assistance to financial institutions, corporates and consumers aimed the accrual and sale of tax credits after the energy upgrading of properties.

Supporting Green Bond Issuance

EPC (Energy Property Certificate) data remediation and provision of documentation for investors (e.g., technical reports) to support Green (Covered) Bond issuance.

Business People 42 400
Business People 41 400

Estimating climate and environmental risks

CRIF defines physical risk indicators to estimate climate-related and environmental risks associated with individual properties, something that has become increasingly relevant in dealing with climate change risk. Such indicators can be considered along with the “traditional” value of real estate assets.

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