ESG Data Analysis Services for Sustainability Reporting

With innovation and sustainability at the heart of its mission, CRIF facilitates and accelerates the green transition by providing the community with technology, data, and knowledge.

The European Union, through the Green Deal, has set a target of reducing emissions by 55% by 2030 and achieving climate neutrality by 2050 to promote sustainable development.

The green transition requires an active role for all those involved: Support of the financial and insurance sectors, business strategies and investments, and the adoption of sustainable behavior by individuals. To excel in the banking and financial market, quality information is essential. This competitive requirement is a key success factor in ESG risk management.

Covered industries

Icon BankingBanking Icon InsuranceInsurance Icon Telco BlueTelco & Media Bolt Light BlueEnergy & Utilities Icon Manufacturing BlueManufacturing Icon Services BlueServices

Key benefits

  • For companies

    Transition to sustainability thanks to the data that help identifying the ESG profile of a company.
  • For financial institutions

    Integration of ESG data within internal processes to achieve sustainable finance targets and comply with regulatory expectations on ESG

Solution details

ESG Bundle

The CRIF ESG bundle enables financial players to integrate the sustainability and ESG risks assessment into all their core processes.

The bundle consists of:

  • ESG Score: along with its components, it is a single-name indicator that measures the level of compliance with the ESG criteria suggested by the EBA, which can be calculated for 100% of European non-financial companies;
  • ESG factors: the criteria used to calculate the ESG Score;
  • Physical risk: location and industry-specific score for assessing the exposure to physical risk;
  • GHG emissions: GHG Scope 1, 2 and 3 emission data and calculation methodology;
  • Transition risk: geo-sectoral scores for assessing financial risks posed by the green transition;
  • EU taxonomy: sectoral proxies on taxonomy alignment and eligibility ;
  • Other Pillar III variables: flag for companies belonging to polluting sectors, excluded from the Paris Accords;
  • ESG raw data: +100 additional ESG raw data useful to autonomously build the ESG analytics 
Business People 12 400
Business People 20 400

Climate Risk Analytics Suite (CRAS) for climate change analysis

CRIF’s Climate Risk Analytics Suite allows analysis of the short- and long-term impacts of physical and transition risk on companies. 

ESG Analytics to improve sustainable behaviors

CRIF’s ESG Analytics are based on open data processed by machine learning techniques to evaluate all companies (including SMEs) and behaviors of individuals within the European Union: from the maximum level of granularity (ESG Data Lake) to full synthesis (ESG Scores).

Business People 14 400
Business People 13 400

ESG Consultancy

The CRIF ESG Consultancy team comprises certified ESG analysts, data scientists, and risk management and process consultants who help clients integrate ESG components into their framework (business model, internal control system, disclosure & reporting) and to define and implement a “green” action plan.

Our solutions

Predictive & Big Data Analytics

Predictive & Big Data Analytics

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Open Banking Data Solutions

Open Banking Data Solutions

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Risk & Digital Strategy Consulting

Risk & Digital Strategy Consulting

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Credit Rating Services

Credit Rating Services

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