Property Valuation & Title Reports: Prelim & Valuation Services

CRIF specializes in providing services in the real estate sector, offering complete solutions for finding and managing property valuation and information for over 30 years. In particular, it carries out more than 400,000 property searches and manages over 60,000 canceled mortgages per year for over 70 clients among the main financial players.

The major services offered by CRIF concern the creditworthiness of natural persons or legal entities, monitoring receivables, regulations your borrowers, selling/purchasing real estate NPL portfolio, management of mortgages

Key benefits

Risk management

CRIF property information solutions offer the screening and monitoring of immovable collaterals to fulfill risk management requirements.


CRIF allows full compliance with the regulatory framework, in particular during Asset Quality Reviews by Central Banks and regulators.


All the processes are verified through rigorous quality control by specialist professionals and legal experts.

End-to-end solution

The wide proposition of real estate information services provides a complete and integrated range of solutions matching every client need.

What we offer?

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Detailed property screening and monitoring

A comprehensive and up-to-date analysis of properties belonging to individuals and companies. This information is collected from public registries (e.g., land registries) and verified by specialist professionals and legal experts.

Legal Services

Collection of information regarding legal situations that may impact property value or hinder its transfer.

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Business People 11 400

Mortgage management

Management of mortgage registration and cancellation to ensure collateral on real estate exposures.

Real estate data remediation

When data on properties is missing, data remediation fills in the information gaps through the consultation of public registries. The service is particularly useful for compliance needs and in the case of portfolio sales (in particular in the NPE market).

Real Estate Data Remediation 400

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